
Biographies and Contact

Globecat was founded in the summer of 2008 as a joint venture between Evan Sawdey and David Semonchik, college friends, bandmates, writing students, and all-around music junkies. After many discussions on the nature of album reviews, artist interviews, and the difficulties associated with the process of discovering new music and sharing it with the world, the two decided to start their own blog, in hopes of letting the musicians take part in getting their voices heard.

Essential in the creation of Globecat are Ben Durdle (website design) and Anna Hurley (graphic design), without whom none of this could have gotten off the ground. All of them can be reached at globecatmusic [at] gmail [dot] com.

Evan "Evcat" Sawdey: When not writing for Globecat, Evan bides his time as the Interviews Editor for PopMatters.com, having also contributed to publications like SLUG Magazine, The Knox Student, and Soundvenue Magazine (Denmark). His work has been quoted and republished in papers as far-reaching as the Houston Chronicle, the Calgary Times, and the U.K. Metro. He currently resides in Salt Lake City, UT.

Benjamin "Bencat" Durdle: This Midwestern troubadour and nomad of trades was born in Galesburg, IL, where he studied Studio Art at Knox College briefly before moving to Chicago to take up Architecture and knife-juggling. He has since studied at the NY Studio School and spent six months studying in Barcelona and traveling much of the old world. He worked for the international architecture firm Gensler and Midwest archiwizards Gere/Dismer. None of these achievements have much of anything to do with a music website or have proven to provide anything resembling a living wage. Likes books.

David “Davecat” Semonchik: Originally from Batavia, IL, David studied Creative Writing and Spanish at Knox College, where he met both Evan and Ben (and Stephen Colbert). A recent graduate with nowhere to go, David spends his time reading, writing fiction, composing for and sound designing plays (including Cloud 9 and the English-language world premiere of Rosa and Blanca), playing guitar, and making a living out of baking bread.

Anna "Annacat" Hurley: Anna, who always feels slightly guilty when folding down the corner of pages in a book as a placeholder and usually sits looking at the page for a few moments before finally deciding to do so, enjoys the sound of a tea cup clinking against its saucer but doesn't much care to drink it, and very much likes Laundromats but not the idea of actually using one for its intended purpose, and who, if she had to choose between a world without genocide or one without powdered milk, would still choose one without genocide but would take a long time to reach that decision, works at a quaint letterpress design shop by day making pretty things and ridding the streets of crime by night. She also listens to music on occasion.