As we post this -- our first Off the Records segment, detailing reflections and behind-the-scenes goings-ons here at Globecat -- we will officially have garnered out 666th hit, making our site officially endorsed by Satan, who, of course, is a long-standing propriator and supporter of rock and roll in general (we kid, naturally). Yet this blog is not about garnering thumbs-up from the underworld; it is -- and always will be -- about connecting musicians to listeners, with as little buffers in-between. We are on the cusp of celebrating our first month active as a site, and already we have published three interviews, six Aleatories, and have so many amazing artists lined up for future interviews it almost borders on ridiculous.
Yet our initial success wouldn't have been possible without a few things: Anncat's incredible logo, Bencat's sleek, efficient design, and especially without the interview that got this site off to its fantastic start -- Will Stratton's. It was that humble folkie's honest start that gave Globecat the leg-up it needed, all before we wound up talking to Harvey Danger, indie-icon Phil Elvrum, emerging pop hero Gotye, Japanese psych-rockers Ghost, French electro-rapper Yelle, indie-rock giants Maritime, former Clem Snide frontman Eef Barzelay, sample-heavy party-starters The Go! Team, and -- shortly after this post -- iconic music video director Mark Romanek.
Needless to say, we just want to thank our loyal readers for your support, Jay Hathaway for your incredible blog posts, and all those forum gurus and PR agents that link our work on a regular basis. We're still stunned by all that we've accomplished in the first month ... let's just see what happens in the next 11. :-)