Hello there, loyal Globecat fans!
There are several wonderful things to celebrate, so let's just get it out there. First off, our humble little blog has now crossed the 10,000 hit mark, which is nothing short of incredible and worthy of mention. It's through your constant support that this has been possible, and for everyone who links us on a blog, Tweets our latest endeavor, or links a quote to an artist's Wikipedia page, we are nothing short of grateful. GC does very little self-promotion: people often stumble upon our site and champion the material, and it's for that we want to thank you.
Secondly, Globecat is taking a short break, but for good reason: co-founder Evan "Evcat" Sawdey has recently been promoted to full-on Interviews Editor at PopMatters.com. The first few weeks are invariably going to be the craziest, simply because his inbox is filled with hundreds of e-mails from dozens of publicists, so GC will take a short vacation until things settle down.
There are wonderful things on the horizon for GC, including a very special project involving several artists that can be considered "Globecat alumni" -- it's going to be a thing to behold ...
Remember to send you ideas and suggestions to globecatmusic [at] gmail [dot] com, and we will be back with you shortly!