Happy Turkey-ocalypse, everyone!
In a very short time, Globecat has become quite a little entity into itself. Between Dave, Ben, Anna, and myself, this small little interviews blog has somehow transformed into something substantial and significant, a place where people go to for the latest in-depth interviews with some of music's biggest names and newest stars. It took about a month to set everything up, but when we launched in mid-June of this year, none of us could have predicted that we'd be interviewing the likes of Rob Pollard, the Vivian Girls, Phil Elvrum (our first Aleatory ever, BTW), and so many more. Then of course came Davecat's massive, fantastic Tori Amos Comic Book Tattoo feature (have you read it?) and my crazy-epic interview with Mouse on Mars. Every day we get e-mails from publicists, bands, managers, and many many more: it never ceases to amaze us.
Yet, as you can imagine, this site has consumed quite a bit of our time, and -- especially following today's Thanksgiving feasts -- we're ready to take a little bit of a break. We're not going offline or anything (far from it); we're just taking a bit of a breather before we jump into all of the interview-filled insanity that is 2009.
So, in the interim, we want to do two things. First, we want to thank you regular fans that read us, link us, and blog us on a frequent basis -- we're intensely grateful for all of your support. Second, we want to invite you to send any new sounds, ideas, or songs to globecatmusic [at] gmail [dot] com, as we'll still be checking it on a regular basis before we relaunch in a few weeks with an expanded staff and even more fun/exciting content.
So keep it tuned right here for the latest! Thanks for helping in this wonderful year -- let's make '09 even bigger.